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Latest Updates on Document Management Systems

  • Mar 05, 2019
Latest Updates on Document Management Systems
Today, more and more organizations have made the switch from paper-based systems to digital document management systems. While the proper management of documents has always been a big part of virtually any business, the current methods employed differ vastly from those used as little as a decade ago. For instance, software platforms have become the new gold standard, and companies who fail to innovate and incorporate the latest and greatest document management systems risk being behind the curve. 

Here, we discuss some of the latest trends or updates in document management systems in 2019 and how your business can use them to gain a competitive edge in an increasingly competitive market.

Cloud is King

Cloud computing initially received mixed reactions in the online community, as a lot was still unknown about the technology when it first arrived on the market. Fast forward to 2019 and it is evident that cloud computing is here to stay. In fact, cloud computing has not only revolutionized the software industry but has also had a profound influence on a myriad of document management systems.

The cloud allows users to remotely access their documents from virtually any location in the world via remote access. In the past, employees needed to rely on either a closed network to access documents, or needed to use a specific computer in order to access files.

Today, all that is needed is a reliable internet connection to open, edit, share, and save documents via remote access. In addition to enhanced ease of access, cloud computing also helps reduce costs for many organizations. The cloud is currently driving the best document management systems on the market, and online-based document management allows companies to scale, which makes it an ideal solution for both big and small enterprises.

Social Integration is Paramount

Another interesting trend in 2019 is the complete dominance of social media networks. Many people will sign-in to their Twitter or Facebook accounts the moment they turn on their desktop or laptop, to the point that many do so almost unconsciously. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and other social media platforms have made it significantly easier for people to communicate with their colleagues or family members, replacing snail mail, phone calls, and even emails as the primary form of communication for many people.

While the word, “social” used to be reserved for communications with friends and family, today the word has broadened its scope to also refer to corporate communications. That is, social media is currently a very potent professional tool for businesses the world over. Social media has been integrated quite successfully into internet file sharing systems, creating a process for revising, storing, and organizing documents that is completely seamless and almost effortless

Mobile-Friendly Document Management Systems

Today, many employees use their tablets or smartphones multiple times a day for work-related tasks. These tools have streamlined the workday for many businesses, and, given the fact that many professionals are always on the go, it is imperative that they have continuous access to pertinent documents and files. Today’s document management systems must be readily accessible from any smartphone or tablet.

However, accessibility alone is not sufficient; there must also be a user-friendly experience. As the dissemination of mobile devices continues to grow, document management systems must be routinely updated in order to take advantage of new mobile-friendly features.

Increased Demand For Client Portals

Congruent to your workforce, your client base serves as the lifeblood of your business. In fact, it can be argued that the bottom line of any organization is largely determined by the satisfaction of its customers. Moreover, today’s customer is a tech-savvy customer, and companies need to adapt and update their business technologies in order to provide their clients with the best experience possible. For instance, you can engage your clients in a deeper manner via your document management systems, particularly with collaborative projects.

To do so you can use client portals, which will allow important files to be shared between your project managers and your customers. Create a client portal using your businesses intranet, and incorporate a state of the art document management system, as well as other relevant tools, to further engage your clientele.

In the past, emails were used as the primary form of correspondence between companies and their clients, however, intranet software allows your clients to do much more. For instance, they can log-on, access relevant documents, and become a bonafide part of the conversation. Social intranet software also allows your customers to ask questions, make suggestions or comments on files that have already been uploaded, or download documents onto their desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone if desired.

Updating your document management systems will allow you to strengthen your business relationships with your customers, allowing for not only enhanced ease of use but also increased transparency as well.

To learn more about the latest trends in document management software, call DOS Canada at 1-647-557-1788 or contact us here.
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